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FLEX-display manuals
Cross base
Single-sided 1.  Grip-clips 2.  FLEX-clips 3.  Grip- & FLEX-clips
A Classic pole A1 A2 A3 A4 (>205cm)
B Telescopic pole B2 B3
C Classic pole C1 C3
D Telescopic pole D3
Wide Screen
E Classic pole E1 E2 E3
F Telescopic pole F2 F3
Twin base
Single-sided 1.  Grip-clips 2.  FLEX-clips 3.  Grip- & FLEX-clips
G Classic pole G1 G2 G3  G4(>205cm)
H Telescopic pole H2 H3
I Classic pole I1 I3
J Telescopic pole J3
Wide Screen
K Classic pole K1 K2 K3
L Telescopic pole L2 L3
Ceiling mounted
Ceiling clip Bar lenght 40-60cm Bar lenght 40 - 120cm Bar lenght >200cm
M Single & Doublesided M1 M2 (<60cm) M3 (<120cm) M4
Wall mounted
Wall fixing clip Bar lenght 40-60cm Bar lenght 40 - 200cm Bar lenght >200cm
N Singlesided N1 N2 N3
O Lamp vertical O1 Lamp horizontal O2
P Display connector bar P1
Q Wide screen joint Q1
R Display connector R1 All connectors P1-Q1-R1
S Flag-Extender™ S1 Sewing instructions S2
T Brochure Holder T2S
U Wall fixing U1
V Snap lock profile V1
TOTEM Displays
Three & Four sided
Y Standing Y1
Z Hanging Z1
Example no. 1.  Grip-clips 2.  FLEX-clips 3.  Grip- & FLEX-clips
Example 7 Ex 7 v3
Example 8 Ex 8 v2
Ex 8 v3
blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blank

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FLEX-display Manuals

To find manuals on how to set up the FLEX-display products go to FLEX-display/ MANUALS or find it together with images etc. in FLEX-display in our DOWNLOAD section

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